Kanye Is Taking His Sunday Service To Joel Osteen’s Church
Kanye has been traveling, with choir in tow, all over the country recently. He seemingly pulls up at churches and adds his service to theirs. Kanye pays for his own travel expenses etc. He and his choir perform for free, they have service, and then as quick as they appeared – they leave. I attended one of his services in Atlanta a few months ago and it was definitely an experience. It was not cult like, not blasphemous, it was praising God and having group worship….with Kanye West and crew. Kanye and the Sunday Service experience’s next stop is Joel Osteen’s church. According to my source, “the plan is for Kanye to show up at Joel’s 11 AM service in Houston this coming Sunday at the Lakewood Church. Kanye will walk up to the pulpit and have a conversation with Joel that will last between 20 and 30 minutes.