Kanye West releases highly anticipated Album… “Jesus is King”
“So here go my single dog Radio needs this/
They said you can rap about anything except for Jesus/”
Kanye West said that 15 years ago on one of his most notable songs to date “Jesus Walks”, but come to think of it Ye has always had gospel cues in songs and his beliefs and love of God has been always been displayed throughout his career; Which makes the new highly anticipated 11 track album “Jesus is King” not so much a surprise to most.
Now a lot of folks feel Kanye’s recent call to Christ is all a smoke screen and that after a crazy 2018 filled with wild outburst, MAGA hats, crazy tweets, questionable performances, and more wild outburst he is using God to get his core fans back.
But now that the Album is finally here we can see if in fact Ye is truly a changed man